Guardians of the Dragons Sock Drive
about 1 year ago, Karen Hays
Sock drive
Let's Gooooooooo!
about 1 year ago, Karen Hays
Midway BB
December Dewar 4-H Meeting is Dec. 11 at 6:00 p.m. Get ready for an Oklahoma Forest Lesson, making a craft, and making Christmas cards for the nursing homes! We will have some light snacks as well! Looking forward to this meeting!
about 1 year ago, Karen Hays
4H Christmas cards
The Dewar Wrestling 2024 online store has been launched. Check out all the amazing fan gear!! The direct link for the store is:
about 1 year ago, Karen Hays
Semester Test Schedule
about 1 year ago, Karen Hays
Semester Test Schedule
Congratulations, Dragons!
about 1 year ago, Karen Hays
District Fooball awards 23
about 1 year ago, Karen Hays
8 man All Stars 2023
Kade Henderson Luv Ford’s Athlete of the Week SECOND ROUND TOMORROW NIGHT AT 7pm. #goldballchasin
about 1 year ago, Karen Hays
Luv Athlete of the Week
Our Very Own Mrs. Cowan was named Okmulgee County Leader of the Year!! Congratulations, Mrs. Cowan! You are a great Leader and role model to our students! We are so thankful for you!
about 1 year ago, Karen Hays
4H Leader of the Year
Congratulations to Sophomore Abigail Lane on her first place entry and 8th grader Alexia Baker on 2nd place in the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts Area Poster Contest. Both young ladies were honored at a special luncheon held at OSU-IT. Abigail’s entry will go on to compete at the State competition!
about 1 year ago, Karen Hays
Poster Contest Winners
Check out Dewar student Maddie Goff in this photo of the Okmulgee County 4-H Officer Team! Maddie is the Recreational Officer for the 2023-2024 year! Congratulations!!
about 1 year ago, Karen Hays
4h Officers
Round 2! #itsagooddaytobeadragon
about 1 year ago, Karen Hays
Round 2 Playoffs
The Muscogee (Creek) Nation Muscogee Creek Nation Johnson O' Malley Program invites all Muscogee (Creek) high school seniors within MCN JOM school districts to apply for the 2024 Academic Incentive. Sixteen (16) incentives will be awarded to students to assist them on their academic pursuits. Students may apply online at The deadline to apply for the 2024 JOM Academic Incentive is March 8, 2024.
about 1 year ago, Karen Hays
Academic Incentive
Turkey applications are available at the Dewar Indian Community Center from 7:00am to 3:00pm. If you are in the boundaries, please pick one up. You will have to have a copy of your citizenship card and current utility bill. They must be turned in by NOON on November 15th. Limit is ONE PER HOUSEHOLD.
about 1 year ago, Karen Hays
Holiday Turkey
Holiday Application
Join us for our Veterans Day Assembly!
about 1 year ago, Karen Hays
Veterans Day
Today’s Native American Cultural Day was absolutely incredible! Mvto to Ella England and Brooklyn Cowan for planning this awesome day for our students and staff to learn more about Native culture. Thank you also to all of the volunteers who gave of their time and talents at the various booths and the amazing dancer that shared his talents with us!
about 1 year ago, Karen Hays
Cultural Day 1
Cultural Day 2
Cultural Day 3
Cultural Day 4
Cultural Day 5
Happy National Signing Day to Marti & Zack! We are so very proud of you both!
about 1 year ago, Karen Hays
Marti Signing Day
Zack Signing Day
Several freshmen students attended the UCO Leadership Academy yesterday!
about 1 year ago, Karen Hays
UCO Leadership Academy
Lions Club Baskets
about 1 year ago, Karen Hays
Lions club Basket