PreK Christmas Caroling 🎄

We are so thankful to the American Exchange Bank for their very generous donation of $1,000.00 to the Dewar Public School Foundation!

5th graders did a lesson on triangles and measuring angles. Each student created three triangles in their Christmas ornament then had to measure and record the angles so the they could determine what type of triangle they had created. Afterwards, they did a lesson on pop art and created these awesome results🎄

GT continued learning about Christmas around the world. So far they’ve studied America, England, Italy, and Germany.

Big THANK YOU to Dewar Student Council & America’s Guardians Motorcycle Club for your work in a very successful Teddy Bear Toss toy drive for Shriner’s Hospital! Stay tuned tomorrow for the grand total of stuffed animals donated! It’s always a Great Day to be a DRAGON!!

We are so proud of these Guardians of the Dragon. Thank you everyone for your Christmas sock donations. The Christmas songs, Christmas story, Christmas socks and the Christmas spirit these kiddos shared at Fountian View brought a lot of smiles, toe tapping, and warm hugs. We had more than enough socks for every sweet soul there.

Shout out to Roman & Nic for doing a fantastic job decorating Mrs. Brewer’s classroom porch!


Dewar Football, Wrestling, and 4-H volunteering with the Lions Club Christmas Basket Delivery. Thank you for all who came and helped.

Elementary Christmas Program

HS Wrestling in Okmulgee Tournament
Hannah Corbin- 3rd place
Kade Henderson- 2nd place
Jojo Waters- 2nd place
Clark Hotema- 3rd place
Cash Faulkner- 3rd place

Only an elite group with an All-State jacket! Congratulations, Marti Yaerger!

Guardians of the Dragons Sock Drive

Let's Gooooooooo!

December Dewar 4-H Meeting is Dec. 11 at 6:00 p.m. Get ready for an Oklahoma Forest Lesson, making a craft, and making Christmas cards for the nursing homes! We will have some light snacks as well! Looking forward to this meeting!

The Dewar Wrestling 2024 online store has been launched. Check out all the amazing fan gear!!
The direct link for the store is:

Semester Test Schedule

Congratulations, Dragons!


Kade Henderson
Luv Ford’s Athlete of the Week